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Specialized Tibetan

We provide written and oral translation of Buddhist teachings and texts from Tibetan into English, Spanish and Itailan. Oral translation can be done in person or online.

It is also possible to simply request the phonetic transliteration of a text in any of these languages, the digitalization of a text in Tibetan script, or the transliteration of a Tibetan text into Wylie.

Technical Dharma translation from Tibetan language is a specialisation that requires many years of study, not only of the language itself but also of the philosophy.

Also, it is necessary to have extensive experience working with this type of translation in order for it to be precise and of high quality. Our translator, having completed the traditional Buddhist Philosophy Studies in Tibetan and having extensive experience in Dharma translation, guarantees a faithful, high level translation.

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From Tibetan into English, Spanish and Italian:

  • Per word for written translation 0.15 EU       (minimum charge 20 EU)

  • Per word for editing - 0.08 EU*

  • Per word for proofreading  - 0.08 EU*

  • Per word for digital transcription - 0.04 EU

  • Per hour for consecutive translation - 35 EU*


*These two rates are the same because both services require a thorough Tibetan vocabulary check.

** It's possible to book translation hours but not fractions of one hour.

Between the languages English, Spanish and Italian :   

  • Per word for written translation - 0.08        (minimum charge 20 EU)

  • Per word for editing - 0.04 EU

  • Per hour for proofreading - 25 EU

  • Per hour for consecutive translation - 30 EU 

  • Per hour for simultaneous translation - 35 EU**  


** It's possible to book translation hours but not fractions of one hour.


Reduced rates are available for Dharma Centres with

limited financial resources

El Proyecto Despertar nunca te ofrecerá o pedirá dinero para ceremonias esotéricas, santería, sacrificios de animales, rituales 'mágicos', 'bendiciones', amuletos, curaciones milagrosas ni cualquier tipo de práctica para obtener riqueza, trabajo u otros objetivos mundanos. El Proyecto Despertar no está asociado con ningún centro de apariencia budista o espiritual que impulse dichas actividades. El Proyecto Despertar sólamente ofrece clases de idioma tibetano, de filosofía budista y prácticas relacionadas con el escuchar, reflexionar y meditar en el Budadharma en conjunto con su aplicación transparente en el día a día a través de las propias acciones y pensamientos. El Proyecto Despertar no sigue ni favorece ningún linaje de Budismo Tibetano en particular, es un proyecto no-sectario.

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